Making Sense Of The Post COVID19 World – Some Information And Tips

Can I go to the shops and just, you know, browse around? What’ll I find at the shops, anyway? How do I, what happens, where and why? There’s patchy information out there and I’ve been collecting and curating… I’m keeping this article pinned and will keep adding practical information as I find it. UPDATED: 24/April/2020 … Read more

Fetch Me My Louisville Slugger!

I have to start with this: Trump on why he picked Easter as the day he wants to end strict social distancing and reopen American businesses: “Easter is a very special day for me … Easter Sunday, and you’ll have packed churches all over our country.” Aaron Rupar @atrupar The States are in trouble if … Read more

Some Of Our Cast Of Idiots

(Also known as right wing neoliberal capitalist politicians to whom a dollar is worth more than your life.) Black Friday March 2020. We went to town for one thing only, get Wifey to see a doctor and find out she has a lung infection, but probably not COVID19. Small mercies. Also we both have a … Read more

Not Everything Here’s Going To Be About CoV19

Watching a video about IoT insecurities, trying to plan my own IoT stuff in my head while writing this, and also trying to formulate a recycling idea – BIG IDEA – that has been bouncing around my head for almost a decade, and it’s what I might focus on right here in this post. For … Read more

Things Starting To Get A Bit Real

I’m starting today after seeing my wife off to a visit with her sister for that worthy’s 60th. We rarely both leave the house for extended periods together because of the cats, garden, and general security aspects. Being right on a main highway and the major footpath from town to points north means our cats … Read more

So the TP Hysteria has settled a bit. Except…

People being dumb #1,452: In ALDI today getting a few things, they have limited supply of TP again, so they’re one pack per customer. Smart arse in the next checkout is hugging a mountain of packs. Checkout person tells him it’s a limit of one per customer, he gets all legal eagle and says “there … Read more

The Day It Got Real

So the news of the decade is COVID-19 aka Novel Coronavirus. It apparently affects people’s brains before even infecting them. Either that or Australia is screwed royally… Today is a typical day post-COVID: Yesterday’s national disaster was that a truck carrying toilet paper caught fire. Yep. Because all our Newly-Minted Born-Again Preppers have decided that … Read more

What OHaiCorona is and isn’t

“O Hai Corona!” was one of the first thoughts to cross my mind when I started finding this scary and seemingly unstoppable virus showing up all over my news, my social media, and my TV and radio. I’ve made it the name of this site as much for catharsis as for the identity it conveys. … Read more