COVIDSAFE in Pollen Season TL;DR – If you think your allergy reaction is different this year, get a COVID test.
Ramblings and Curated Info For "Interesting Times" TL;DR – If you think your allergy reaction is different this year, get a COVID test.
One thing we should be doing more is gardening, planting things. Of all the things we can do under restrictions and lockdowns this has to be one of the most fulfilling and productive things we can do. When things ease up – whenever that may be – we’ll have some lovely produce at home. We’ll … Read more
We’re lucky where I am, with very few cases having been diagnosed here. We’ve had ten cases in the local shire region, never more than four active at any time, and we’re currently down from four active the three active. That’s mainly due to the very hard lockdown conditions in Melbourne so that very few … Read more Interesting and brief article on why wearing masks is better than lockdown, better than social distancing, better than anything else we have at the moment.
The thing that causes animal -> human transmissions of pathogens such as bacteria and viruses is contact between animals and humans. To be perfectly honest, I don’t understand the statistics behind this, the official descriptions of the mechanisms that facilitate such transmissions, or why we as intelligent thinking beings can’t get the simple facts into … Read more If there’s one thing science is good at, it’s science. And the science says that even if you feel healthy, even if you feel silly for walking around with a mask on when you feel fine, if – if – you start showing signs a few days later, you’ll know that at a time … Read more
Going Out After The Pandemic, Yes or No? I don’t know. I wish I did know. We two are pretty much alone here, and I’m the only one that drives. Australia’s currently in better shape than many other countries so it’s a bit safer than many, but there are second wave and third wave outbreaks … Read more
I’m going to repeat this piece from the pinned post and add a fair bit of extra information to it. There’s so much about shopping that’s going to change… We’ve had the Great TP Stampede of 2020. (Probably.) The Pasta Prohibition followed it, along with All Your Yeast Are Belong To Us and the Say … Read more
Can I go to the shops and just, you know, browse around? What’ll I find at the shops, anyway? How do I, what happens, where and why? There’s patchy information out there and I’ve been collecting and curating… I’m keeping this article pinned and will keep adding practical information as I find it. UPDATED: 24/April/2020 … Read more